Awesome Ways Men Can Style Their Leather Jacket

The leather jacket is such a versatile clothing item on-trend from ages and it will never go out of style. If you do not own a leather jacket up till now then a staple piece of clothing is missing from your wardrobe. Brands are now offering an overabundance of leather jacket style, abrupt in modern trends and sub cultural references. Here are some ways for how men can style their leather jackets.

Patterns and Prints

You can style your leather jacket with patterns and prints. The leather jacket comes with a hand-painted flowery pattern, military marking stitched in gold, these patterns can be seen on chest and arms areas of the leather jacket. A neutral outfit can accompany this kind of leather jacket. Go through a lucky brand leather jacket review if you are interested in patterns and prints for your leather jacket.

Hoodies with Leather Jacket

Leather jackets will surely look awesome with soft cotton jersey and zip through hoodie. A leather jacket is perfect and essential outerwear piece of clothing and one cannot resist buying when they come to know those mens leather jackets on sale. You can also opt for a nice pair of sneakers or leather kicks with a hoodie paired with leather jacket.

Shirt and Tie with Leather Jacket

If you want a modern office look you can style your shirt and tie with uniform tan or brown bomber leather jacket. Be sure to layer it up with cardigan or knitwear in colder seasons. Avoid polished black bomber leather jacket with heavy padding and lots of embellishment. Remember to keep collar, cuffs, and pockets to a minimum. And make sure your jacket isn’t too long.

Men usually damage the look when it comes to pairing leather jackets with bottoms. Go for tailored black or grey-blue. Switch colors with chinos or white jeans for warmer months or summer. Remember to have a tailored fitted leather jacket for a smart casual look. For professional looking tailored leather jackets you can have a look at lucky brand leather jacket review.



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